
2024 Official Trail of Tears Motorcycle Ride TShirt


Here's the official TShirt for the 2024 ride! This year our shirt carries the image of the Statue in Tuscumbia, AL called 'Sacred Tears, The Exit to the West', by artist Branko Medenica reflects the Indians' forced march west. Each year our shirts carry a different design to illustrate the many facets of the Trail of Tears. This statue can be seen in Spring Park in Tusumbia, where the hardy riders that continue after the official ride, and travel on to Indian Territory, leave on the Sunday morning after the official ride. Learn more about this on this website on the 'Spring Park Monument' page.

Due to production costs we've had to ask for a little larger donation from our 2X to 4X friends. We're truly sorry. We're asking for a $35 donation for the larger sizes. So if your shopping for 2X to 4X, go back to the TShirts menu and click on the '2X to 4X Official Shirts' link. Thank you!

These Tees are our usual quality. Cotton... nice TShirts. Collect all three!!! :D

Remember, all donations are tax deductible as the organization putting on this ride every year is an all volunteer, 501c3 corporation. We do this because we love it... and we sincerely appreciate your generous support!

$ 30.00 USD
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